Saturday 29 October 2011

Keeping you up to date with the new RSA annoucements on drink driving

The Road Safety Authority have released a series of advertisements keeping people in the know of how much is too much and the repercussions of drink driving with the law. We've decided to give you the lowdown and be aware of what is in store for anyone who attempts to drive after a few drinks.

Fines will start at €200 for a driver with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 50mg to 80mg, €400 with a BAC from 80mg to 100mg. Drivers with a BAC of 80mg to 100mg will not be allowed to hold a drivers licence for 6 months, regardless of penalty points or how many are obtained over a period of 3 years.

Drivers with a BAC between 50mg to 80mg will receive 3 penalty points, which will be present on their licence for the following 3 years. An accumulation of twelve points over a 3 year period will result in the driver being disqualified from driving for 6 months.

For learner drivers, newly qualified and professional drivers, which are those driving buses, goods vehicles and taxis, they will be fined €200. These drivers will be disqualified from driving for 3 months.

In every case, all drivers will be under arrest and brought to the nearest Garda Station. Blood, urine or breath samples will be taken as evidence and to measure the amount of alcohol present in the body. Each driver will then be served with a fixed penalty notice. Failure to accept this notice and choosing to go to court instead may involve increased fines and disqualification of driving for up to one year.

With the bank  holiday weekend approaching, drink driving is often on the increase so remember to drive safely and use alcohol responsibly.

However, for all road traffic offences, never hesitate to call Laura Shannon at Shannons Solicitors on 01 840 1780 for representation and the best advice.
And for more information on the Road Traffic Authority visit

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